The easiest way to get rich

The easiest to get rich is to make someone else rich more money and get a %.

That’s it.

Whether thats an investor or customer.

It’s a little harder if they aren’t rich, they generally have less opportunity but still possible.

It’s far easier to get rich people to trust you than to build a great company.

Ivy League schools are good for this.

Success is shared most of the time. It’s earned on rare occasions but that is much harder.

Yes, you still have to be able to build things and sell. Not “be smart”.

You can invent and try to sell something. That’s pretty rare.
You can work hard and be frugal. That is also rare.
Or you can get someone with money to trust you with some of theirs.
This is how most nonrich ppl become rich.

Part of trust is making it seem like you are already rich. Making it seem like you are a genius.

But the best marketing of all is make it seem like you are about to make a shit ton of money.

The one thing rich people are afraid of more than anything is being poor. And nothing prevents that more than more money. These people never have enough.

Thanks to Silicon Valley and now cryptocurrency. Anyone can be rich even if they don’t dress or talk well.

Going to elite school or nepotism is a nice shortcut but most of us can’t use those unless you lie.