Embrace Awkwardness

Awkwardness is misunderstanding the relationship.

A relationship is either equal or unequal.

Equal like two coworkers.

Upwards like an employee to a boss.

Downwards like a boss to an employee.

There are different dimensions for your family, friends, lovers, professionals too.

And the relationship between each can change frequently or never. You become friends with a coworker. Or a classmate becomes your uncle.

Awkwardness is created when you overstep that relationship and the other person doesn’t see it the same way.

When you ask your boss to hang out like equals but they see it as a downward one, it can get awkward.

If you ask your classmate on a date. They see your relationship as a school one and it can get awkward.

If you ask a friend for a huge favor and they don’t like the unequal relationship that can create. It can get awkward.

The thing is you can only figure out what situation you are in exactly by hitting the edge of it and enduring awkwardness. You may have no idea that your friend is willing to work for you or do you a huge favor if you never test the edge.

Obviously some tact and social awareness is needed to salvage a relationship but you shouldn’t shy away from awkwardness and confrontation.

You can’t run from it or ghost people or expect things to be clear without awkwardness. That awkwardness clears everything up.

In a world where most people are afraid of any uncomfortableness, being willing to endure that gives you an advantage.