Assume any direction you choose will be successful.
This is the best trait of Y Combinator’s and the best investors.
They just assume every business will completely succeed in what it tries to do and thinks about what that will mean when they do it.
Will it be a big market and make a lot of money? Will the world be a better place?
It will always feel like there’s a “trend” and you have fear of missing out when your idea isn’t part of it.
AI, automation, biotech.
When I started out subscription boxes were all the craze. Then smart items. Smart ovens, smart jump ropes, smart beds. In the end it didn’t matter.
Coincidentally, the smart bed is only now becoming a huge successful company. Not because of the “smart” analytics at all but because of a recent new feature that lets you control the temperature of the best.
No matter what industry you are in, if you are constantly intellectually honest of where you are and improving (and willing to change if you are wrong) – you will eventually get successful.
Every industry has a hype cycle. I predict they cycle every 7-10 years. Look back at the current hype cycle then. Or better yet, look at a hype cycle 7 years ago and see what you think of it now.
Gary Vee was just running a wine store. You could chase success with nearly anything.
All paths lead to success…eventually.