Beware the 300k Job Offers

I was only once in my life offered a 300k job offer out of the blue for absolutely no reason. I didn’t even apply, they were reaching out me.

I was living in Silicon Valley at the time and have to this day never had such a good offer.

The company was legitimate and had many employees and decent reviews. I didn’t understand the scam or why they reached out to me of all people. It was 2015 and I was 24 at the time. I had nearly 0 skills beyond building a website or 2.

Finally, in the year 2021 I was given an answer to this mystery. A chance conversation with another entrepreneur revealed he too had the same type of offer once. A legitimate company reached out to him and offered a ridiculous salary.

We both received these offers while we were fundraising our seed round and talking to Venture Capital firms.

It turns out these offers were made by the Venture firms to see if you are really “serious” about your company before they invest.