Success gets harder the longer you wait

After trying to do startups for 10 years, the one consistent thing I have seen is success gets harder the longer you wait. That’s why speed is crucial.

Sam Altman’s first company Loopt was able to secure a partnership with a major telecom by simply showing up and staying until they accepted a meeting. There are so many stories of someone getting a huge customer or partner because an industry was new and not huge yet.

Every avenue you could have exploited in the past may now have 1 million competitors.

I myself was able to walk up to Sam Altman and pitch my startup which he then recommended to Y Combinator for investment. Today there no way to even attempt to email him.

I think this trend will continue. Everything gets harder. People are lazy and follow what they have heard works. Assume the future will be harder and move faster.

The mile time gets shorter every year. A child could beat an Olympic athlete from 80 years ago.

When you enter a new industry like Crypto or Biohacking, don’t take for granted how easy it is to access smart successful people and launch products compared to logistics or healthcare.