Cinnamon Marketing

When you walk by a Cinnabon, you can’t help but stop because the smell of cinnamon attracts you.

They purposely spray extra cinnamon in the air and keep it near the entrance so you are enticed.

The cinnamon spray on its own is not interesting enough to be a product you sell, it’s just the hook.

The sizzle from a steak. The toasted coconut from almond street carts.

One style of this is simply a loss leader. You are offering something at or below cost to attract people.

The Cinnamon smell gets a targeted group of users who are hungry and curious to gather in front you.

Now its your chance to sell them on related items.

If what you have is no good, at least you have some social proof and people gathered while you figure it out.

But find it out fast or you’ll be selling $1 cinnamon for free all day.